Friday 12 February 2010

From The View Of The Onlooker- Scrubs Part 2- JD

Army salut my ever growing army of minions that I call my fans, here is the thirteenth entry. But lets check out the best set of comments I’ve been left so far.

plainolebob- Im glad. Honestly, it is a really great show, and even if you don’t wanna get into it, you can still watch it one evening when you’ve got nothing to do, because its really good (as you’ve obviously realized from my last entry…it should have been more obsessive L )

The Unwashed Mass- 'Everyone knows Tom Baker is the best Doctor'. While I'll admit Tom baker was a great Doctor (and exceptional actor), all I can say is...

That he may be first, or he may not

Andrew- Thanx for leaving a comment and becoming a follower, Andrew. I appreciate all the help I get :)

And as for your question, that depends. From the 1st Doctor (William Hartnell) to the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy), it is all one conglomerate series referred to as the old series

The eighth Doctor only ever starred in a 1996 film, and naturally after that from the Ninth doctor to the present is referred to as the new series

Personally, I'd recommend the new series. While the old series was amazingly spectacular in production and story, the new series is just the same.

Plus, it’s easier to get into, due to today's acting and story. You dont need to know near anything about Doctor who to get into it, because in that sense, it keeps an aura of mystery about everything taking place, while still appearing blank, yet adventurous, naturally. You eventually find out facts about the doctor anyway over the series, so its perfect for beginners.

The first episode of the new series of the new series is titled Rose, and from there, you just need to watch every episode whenever you feel like it. See-

In fact, heres part 1 of Rose from Youtube.

Hope I've helped enough

Louisah Megghan- So basically, I look like an old man.

Well, you look like a grapefruit…(silence)…you forced my hand. Sigh, I didn’t want to do that, but you brought it on yourself.

Abby Lever- Thanx for the compliment. I don’t get many too often, so thanx :D. And as career...well I don't know. Its a possibility, but I don't wanna worry about it now

Izziebobs- I didn’t know you and Abby were plant eaters…and you were a Garlic. No wonder you always smelt (lolDon’tHurtMelol). But I respect that, so good 4 you 2. Well, wind is next, so…yeah, just wait

Okay, now that Im done with that lets move on to part 2 of my scrub related entries, and focus on the titular character, J.D…or John Dorian, but really, J.D sounds awesome-er

Yeah, Im going to first say that J.D is awesome, plain and simple, and he’s one of the main reasons that fans watch the show. I think that’s mainly due to a kindred link, though (not to mention Zach Braff’s superior acting)

Think about it. While J.D has a personality that quite differs from ours (hes kinda feminine…don’t even say it), its his experiences and reactions to things in each season that makes us reflect on our own past and present decisions…and I guess I’ll have to tell you those experiences

Well, series 1, just like any other common series, introduced the other main characters of…

JD, Turk, Elliot, Carla, Dr Cox and Dr Kelso

Unfortunately, Janitor wasn’t a main character. That’s bull****

…And the story setting of Sacred Heart, so as you can imagine, Season 1 would have been used mostly to explore each character. But 2001 was a different time to right now (being that it was actually pretty good to me…but that’s besides the point), and instead of usual roundup of 13-16 episodes in one typical Tv show season today, back then, shows would get episodes in the twenties and thirties. Why, don’t know! Maybe people thought there was a revolution of shows back then, but who knows, its just one of those things

Back to the point, you’d expect the first couple of episode focusing on each character…which Bill Lawrence and his writing staff got half right. True, they’re were episodes focusing on each, but they always included JD, like for example an episode focusing on JD and Elliot (which is My bed banter and beyond…which has a lot of sex in it. Seriously, either the pay was really good, or people in they’re 20’s are really horny…possibly the latter, but it’s a good episode). Why, I mean, sure JD is the main character who even narrates (which is sorta rare for a show nowadays), but he could be made more minor in it. Ahh well…at least they were good, but I’ve explained far too much so far. They also had typical ‘themed’ episodes for Christmas and other things, which did sorta continue on into later seasons, but it was incredibly minor…

The JD of season 1 was optimistic and wanted to help people, but the cold, harsh reality of real hospitals challenged him and his friends each day, which is the perfect setting for development, when you think about it. Early on, we found that he and Turk shared a strong friendship since college, and as the season progressed, it too faced reality and ended up a lot stronger as a result. This similarly happened with Elliot (not the whole college part), but rather…

He wanted to get into her pants and shirt :p

Alright, it wasn’t exactly that, or it was more puppy love really, but uh…it’s the same thing to me. He did achieve it though, so awesome, but unfortunately it crumbles due to what I deem both characters being not matured enough. It would be many a seasons before they got back together permanently, which just pissed you off in the meantime. As for Carla, Dr Cox and Dr Kelso…well he gained a mother hen relationship with Carla (which was damaged at one point), he REALLY strived for a father relationship with Dr Cox (which is never truly achieved, even by Season 8), and Dr Kelso…hardly anything notable. He was the awkward teenage person that we’ve all probably been once in our lives, and personally I thought that this was pure genius on Lawrence’s part.

If you compare it to, say, Shameless or Misfits, I could relate more to a 22 year old who’s just trying to get his life in order than a group of kids who do drugs and have sex just as often as they eat. I mean, its just so unrealistic and stereotypical… seriously, F**k me did they get it wrong!

But Im really reaching off track here, back to the topic (or bt3, because I bet I’ll drift a lot in this comparison)

By the end of season 1, some secrets developed within the series (such as Dr Cox fancying Carla) were revealed by Jordan, Dr Cox’s ex-wife, and a total man-eater

(Okay, its from season 4, but then again, I can't find any appropriate season 1 pics)

And this led onto season 2 fluidly as the main characters encountered an awkward silence of sorts that only truly dies down half way through, so this led to a lot of backtracking that ultimately made season 2 like its predecessor, which left me disappointed slightly, but then again, Ill watch any episode. This in turn left JD acting virtually the same, and come to think of it, not much development was established in later seasons, so lets cut to when it gets technical, in season 6

(The Rabbit's his conscience, before you ask. At least his is better...mine's a Salmon covered in blood)

And apparently his appearance didn’t change either. Ehh, Im not complaining. But uh, Bt3

Flash forward 6 years into the future. By this time, Turk and Carla married and only just got a kid, Dr Cox (or Perry by now) and Jordan have had two children and gotten together not as a married couple, but just as a…not married couple who live together and have two children…um…

God bless FTW, it’s the ultimate backer-upper. Bt3 :/

But by far, the biggest changes in the season are that Elliot is engaged to an intern called Keith (I don’t want to say Bt3, but I don’t like the name Keith much. Just saying), and JD had a brief fling with another doctor named Kim (Ehh, not much to say about her), only to end up getting her pregnant :0 (Worse still, he only found out 6 months or so later)

At first, JD merely showed his negative traits (being self-protective, dismissive, and ignorant), but after some ‘encouragement’ from his friends, he decides to be there for Kim, even though he doesn’t love her…

This in turn causes JD to mature from a very needy, self-jeopardizing, childish person into a… exact copy, just only less for each, which isn’t a bad thing. He does end up coming through for Kim during her delivery, and when his son Sam is born, they decide to break off there flimsy linked relationship

But this too causes further development for JD in season 7, who starts to mature into a father figure just as Turk and Dr Cox have, which brings a strange sense of pride to those of you who have watched the show since the first season…okay then, just me :p

(It makes me feel awesome-er)

But, this is where it decidedly ‘ends’ development-wise for JD, as Scrubs was ‘traded’ to ABC from NBC before season 8. You probably know nothing about the networks, but let me tell you now that


Seriously, season 8 was poorly done in comparison to other seasons, and notably its like season 1 all over again for the characters, being that they go over things that have all ready happened. What…The…F**k! They really did not do Scrubs justice, and Im equally disappointed in NBC for trading it like an F**kin game card. It may have not been the most popular show on the network, but what they did I consider an offence to all major scrubs fans out there. It just goes to show (…heh, lol) how much they cared about it…sigh, Bt3

The only scrap-able bit of development worth noting is that JD finally got together with Elliot permanently, but even that seemed rushed and ‘un-polished’. But at least they got together… finally, you feel satisfied…took em’ long enough.

Now, zoom forward one year into season 9 (the latest season ;) ), and it turns out that he and Elliot have married, and he got his ‘seed’ in her (…you have to know what I mean >.>). That’s all well and good, but it’s a little too late, don’t you think. But, I don’t wanna tear it up anymore, so…I’ll leave it


JD is an amazing character, to put the record straight. Like I mentioned before, it’s probably due a common kindred, but it’s more then that. He’s funny, resourceful and a prime example of the common person, which gives the show its depth. His daydreams are pure works of comedic art, and the emotion given to him is just passion, which adds to the kindred in his acts to help. He’s a combination of childish fun, and deep understanding, which is just perfect

But that’s not say he has his negative traits. He can self-destructive, needy, and be a jerk some times, though it’s fair to say that you see less of these traits in time, and arguably the same can be said for his un-experienced ‘change-the-world’ attitude. Hes sharpened in this sense, and by the end, you realize that he’s made into an equal balance of each, which is needed for a doctor of his caliber. He’s great, simply put, and a personal inspiration to me on how I should drive my life.

That should about do it, and lets tally up the amount of Bt3’s…hmm, lets see here…

4 (including the one just sed)

Huh…would have thought it been more then that, but then again, I do need to explain things to you ‘normies’ now, don’t I

Post a comment on what you thought of the entry, the series, or just about anything (cos’ that’s basically what’s usually said, nowadays). Remember, only you can help make me a good blogger

Oh, BTW, my Windows Live spaces Blog is now public :D

Check it out for slightly better presented entries, if you want. I personally would...but thats me


  1. I would humbly like to be included in your group of minions. Seriously, nice start to your blog.

  2. A pedophile stalker is roaming Blogger Help Forum for more than two weeks now, and moderator „nitecruzr“ alias Chuck Croll is still into his Bruno L. schtick, against better knowledge, see here:

    Croll knows the avatars of the stalker and impersonator. He has read L’s alert blog and knows that L. is molested by this anonymous pervert since three years. He knows that the pedophile stalker has an avatar here under „NikolaiDersauger“, i.e. NikolaitheCocksucker in German. Further, he knows that the pervert is posting messages under „DerSaugerNikolai“ at YouTube, see this screenshot:

    or directly at Youtube:

    (though Youtube will delete the messages today, as every day for three years)

    Karsten Gulden, here impersonated by the pedophile, is a renown German lawyer, specialized in internet law. See this link:

    Mr. Gulden is notified.

    And still Croll doesn’t see fit to take action? It’s the easiest thing in the world to compare IPs, but Croll and his colleagues simply do nothing – more, they do delete all legitimate questions by other, long-time members of this forum.

    All members of this forum have to endure this chaos because the moderators agree with impersonation, libel, and child pornography?

    Google Legal Department is notified about that matter.

    The stalker is posting here under meanwhile 20 (!) different avatars:

    MarcMyers (1)
    Stijn Houwer
    MarcMyers (2)
    Nikolai Dersauger
