Friday 19 February 2010

From The View Of The Onlooker- Wind

Windows Live Spaces

(Insert Star trek ‘live long and prosper’ symbol (Seriously, everybody does it today)) my evil, yet somehow lovable, army of fans, heres shipping you the fourteenth entry. But as always, lets hear from employee comments…by which I mean fan comments. Im actually being serious here…you’re all working for me now. Your job, soldier in my elite army, hours, 9:am till 8:pm, pay, NONE! >:( , and finally a firm dental and retirement plan…because you actually need those in life.

Geof- Ooh…a willing employee/minion. Well…as you see above, the job specifications are there…so, you can start Monday, if everything goes that way. Okay, welcome to The Onlooker’s Army of FanMinions


Nah, but seriously, thanx for the comment, they are my food source. Though, by start of my blog, do you mean-

-My first couple of entries, or

-That particular one

Its not an important, or big, issue, but Iam a little curious…George :p

Abby Lever- Really…you know, I actually think most of you fans have became predictable. For example

Louisah wants a wind entry (you got what you wanted, finally…I bet next you expect a pay of two coffees per day…the nerve)

And you seem to be turned on…a lot. A tip, men don’t like being told by women when their horny about other men…unless its them. Seriously, it either p**ses them off, or…something unusual. Sigh…let me guess…you probably want an entry or sex related things in the future…don’t you (and if not, then I PRAY to God I haven’t given you an idea)

Alrighty then, lets go on to Adventure by which I mean the long awaited entry on wind

Sigh…okay, I thought I’d only ever sink so low as to do an ENTIRE entry on Robert Pattinson, but this…is lower. Not because its worse (Robert…your just a girl magnet. By natures law, Men get angry at you easily)

Well, Im going to count this as a comment, so…

Robert Pattinson’s Action figure (with emo posing action)- You haven’t been on because…I just can’t be a*sed, and it is your fault because I say so…that’s why you’re an action figure…Neh nah neh neh nah :D)

But as I was saying, its not because its worse, its because…its wind. It’s F**king boring. I mean, who honestly gives a damn about the wind. The only time you ever pay attention to it is when it feels like being a jerk…specifically when it ruins your hair. For me, it only ever blew my hair when it was mosher style long, but thanks to having a nice spiky style now, Iam blessed without this curse. But for others (Namely you Louisah…you’re the only one who wanted this entry excessively), it apparently must be Satan’s evil fart gas, because lord knows it can’t be explained scientifically. But still, if you really want me to say, then I will-

There, that’s that part done and dusted. But there is still is more to do with it.

My biggest grudge against it is when you open a window, and then automatically all the heat is sucked out!… bull**ap. When I open a window, I want it to be slightly colder, not ice age level. Its just not fair…seriously >:(

Damn you, laws of physics (and possibly magic)

But uh…yeah, it seems for the common person, wind is just a nuisance…which I’d definitely agree on. But then you have to think that if there was no wind, life would be incredibly horrible…in fact, RP drew up a sketch of what the world would be like without wind-

Damnit Pattinson, that’s not what the world would be like without wind. Firstly, why is it called Pattinson ville, and second, why is it futuristic!?!

No…it can’t. You fail…completely. Though of course, I can’t do much worse then to turn you into an action figure (you don’t have genitals, ha), so I’ll just have to do this

There, take that…even if it was a little harsh

Bt3, though

We need wind, but don’t like it…ain’t that a bi**h. But Wind does have its better aspects, like for example…its one of the four elements. You know, wind, fire, water and earth…they’re awesome (fire especially), and thus, so is wind…rather ironically

Its also helped in making many things, like sails and windmills. Both wouldn’t work without wind…and hell’, just about everything would be affecting, so yeah…I think I’ll revoke that f*ck you to wind

Sorry :/

But I think that’ll finish up this entry now, because…well it’s wind. Its cr*p most of the time, but we need it, and have always needed it…and that’s all I can say about it. If it was disappointing, then…sorry, I guess. Maybe I’ll remake the entry when I need to again…maybe though

You know what…I take back that revoke. Wind, go f**k yourself…there, you all satisfied?

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