Wednesday 17 March 2010

From The View Of The Onlooker- Top 10 Greatest Bosses (2)

Part 2

5. Sword and Axe, from Prince Of Persia 3

Now heres two bosses that quite frankly…are extremely annoying

Now let me go on record by saying that, while sands of time is good, the sequels are amazing. Seriously, they’re some of my favorite games of all time…just saying

But these two just appear out of nowhere after you’ve completed one of the most crippled ‘driving stages’ of all time, and then…you’re f**ked

These two are incredibly hard…I mean, really hard. These two do not f**k about, they can just…decimate you. Hell’, it took me 2 years after I got this game before I could kill them…even with an online strategy, but it was well worth it…oh yes, it was.

If one of them isn’t fighting you, then be sure the other one is charging up an attack, because you cant pay attention to both of them, and that is why they’re such A-holes. Plus it’ll take you a while before your realize the proper strategy, because the rest of the game is basically A button abuse. But they do earn a respect from me, as they are certainly memorable to me

Sword and Axe; the world’s best partners…and biggest a**holes…well, maybe not

Battle Video

4. Psycho Mantis, from Metal Gear

Individuality is something to be praised and respected…everyone knows this. But sometimes, there can be something so unique…that it breaks the laws of…whatever its in.

This is obviously Psycho Mantis’s description, because if this top 10 was based upon uniqueness, this guy would be in a class of his own.

Now you’re thinking; hey this guy just looks like something from a zombie game. How is he unique?

Well, that depends…do you think the rape of the fourth wall of gamer-dom is unique enough

This guy demolishes the fourth wall completely; brick by brick. How, well when you first fight him, he will read your game card and see all the games you have played data, which is slightly disturbing. Following that, he will make your controller vibrate for no reason whatsoever, and eventually he will lock your controller, making you incapable of moving or doing anything.

Jesus…I mean…what the hell?

But get this, the way to solve this is…plugging your controller into the second port. Ain’t that an completely obvious tactic, I sure would be able to figure that out :)


I mean, what if you don’t have a second controller port. I know the chances of that happening are like 1 in a 100000 or more, but still, you’d be f**ked. Utterly f**ked, so there you go

But that’s what makes this guy so great. Hes so unpredictable, and so unique…its just amazing, and being able that he can draw on peoples anger…that’s masterful

Psycho Mantis; the fourth wall’s No.1 public enemy

Battle video

3. Rival, from Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow versions

I think they should re-name this guy Jerk. Because…this guy is just a freaking jerk

Now for those of you who have little of an idea about what the games are, don’t worry…I’ll tell you in a later entry. But all you need to know for now is that this guy (his real name can be decided by the player…I like calling him Kevin…just sayin’) is your rival from birth

Indeed…and although out the game, this guy will both challenge and mock you. That may make you want to tear out his organs (if your sensitive), but for the most part its bearable.

But at the end of the game, after you’ve defeated the elite four (basically the four most powerful people in the world), your supposedly champion…right

Wrong, this guy is


I have to say, that just the fact that you know this is your final battle, just makes this fight all the more epic. You’ll be watching every move of the match, I assure you, and every time he makes your Pokemon di- I mean faint, you’ll be blurting out swear words so loud it’ll make loudspeakers seem like deformed lamp shades.

The fight is just great, your rival is great…or rather an a**, and it is by far the most epic fight in this top 10

Rival; the only guy in the whole world who deserves absolute irredeemable Poke-Pwnage

Boss Battle

2. The Dahaka, from Prince of Persia Warrior Within

Again drawing from Prince of Persia (it’s a good game series, obviously), this guy is a prime example of a stalker

While stalker characters in video games isn’t a new idea (hell, have you seen the game System shock. The final Boss constantly sees you), this guy certainly seems to be the most threatening. Lets take this game situation-

You’ve just killed a ton of enemies, and are about to go to another place in the game. But all of a sudden, the screen goes slightly brown, and the camera zooms to a giant dark husk walking slowly behind you, where before he wasn’t there. The music turns unpredictable and menacing, and you have to literally run for your life as giant tentacles and a teleporting, yet slow walking dark giant chases you


Worse still is when you’re in an area where you have to wall jump out of or perform another type of skill, because you can potentially fail and he can instantly kill you with a single touch.

But your thinking, that’s not boss-ish, that’s just…not boss-ish. Well, predictably you do fight him, in one of the two alternate endings within the game (though you have to play the canon (it means real) version)

After you’ve subdued the empress of time (don’t ask, too long to explain), the Dahaka comes in all his menacing glory, and starts to rape-kill her. The Prince (the main character) realizes that she shouldn’t be killed (possibly due to her innocence, or him wanting to get freaky with her), and in a rage attacks the Dahaka, and let me tell you, he hasn’t gotten lazy chasing you

He’ll mostly attack you with his tentacles, but if you can dodge them, you can lay some clean hits on him. But this f**ker has some considerable health, and will take a beating easily, so expect to be a while with him

Its also likely he’ll kill you first before you kill him, making him a boss that you constantly re-visit to kill, which I don’t mind if you can kill him after, say, 3 times. But more then that, and it becomes a problem, and on the Dahaka…it depends. It took me 3 times before I could put the bugger down, but if you cant kill him more times after that, like 5…then how the hell did you get this far into the game?

But regardless, this beastly personification of fate both inspires fear and power, but can also back it up ten fold

The Dahaka; Making you think twice before you cheat fate…seriously, tentacle rape-age…that’s brutal

Boss Battle

Well, there’s my top 9 favourite bosses. Lets run through it real quick

10. Emperor and Darth Vader
9. The Great Mighty Poo
8. Bowser
7. Giygas
6. Darth Traya
5. Sword and Axe
4. Psycho Mantis
3. Rival
2. The Dahaka

Your probably curious as to who I consider to be the greatest ass-kicking, most fear inspiring, aggravating boss…so I wont deny you the pleasure any further. My no.1 greatest boss is…

1. Mike Tyson, from Mike Tyson’s punch out


Yes, Mike Tyson is my the greatest boss of all time. How can he not be…his real life counterpart was a beast, so naturally its fair to assume that his game counterpart is…and is he


Not only was this guy like twice your height, but also he was your personal Satan…and you were his b**ch. He is near unbeatable, and very few people can actually beat this guy.

The game itself isn’t big on story and game length, and while the boss fights before him are manageable, Tyson is just a raging bull. He’s…just too strong, and I’ve actually faced him…yeah, and as you can imagine, he kicked my ass so hard I have both mental and physical scars :( . But regardless, he is still an incredible final boss, and although theres little build-up to him, he doesn’t need it. All you need to know is that Little Mac (the main character…explanationess FTW) will be in Hospital soonafter…with Bowser…and not in that way either

Mike Tyson; The greatest boss of them all...and probably the most disfigured

Boss Battle

So there’s my top 10 greatest bosses. What do I think of them…well, they’re great. I think I got the top 3 right, but Im not so sure before that. But what did you think. Post your opinions about this or any other stuff…or maybe, I know, help or criticism

Bt3 >.>

But it’s only with your help that I can become greater than Iam at blogging :)

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