Saturday 13 March 2010

My Nintendo Event 2010

Hey, everybody, its your favourite Onlooker. Firstly, this is not an official entry, this is just something I did for fun, and secondly, I apologize for not posting in some time. This next entry, combined with all the c**p I’ve been going through has slowed me down, so my apologies. It’ll be out soon, I swear…

But to the topic at hand…I like Pokemon. I do, but I’ll cover that in a later entry. Annnyywaayyy…as some of you may know, they do Nintendo events for certain games at certain places, and though I’ve been to one before (at the Liverpool one…it was pretty good), this time, I decided to take pictures and share my bragging joy with you all

13th March 2010. It was a chilly morning…5c to be exact

The weather was okay for driving in, besides the threat of rain, so thus, I set off with my brother to Manchester

At a Roundabout

A traffic light...spectacular

Speedyness FTW

A signpost...pretty simple, but at least it wont lead you off somewhere like a SAT-NAV...damn device

Finally, after an hour or so, we made it too…Manchester

In all its decrepit, News-Channelly glory!

Anyway after a short walk that included


I got to the GAME shop I was going to

Like any other fan, I was excited. After downloading some event Pokemon there (we’ll get to that), I decided to wander about


Is it me, or does that picture look...cramped and...wrong

I also played a new Pokemon game they were releasing on the 26th March (Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver). Good graphics, I must say, and they’ve pretty much kept gameplay the same…but that’s what I look forward to with Pokemon games. Overall…great. I think I’ll go to my local ASDA (An English Walmart) at the 26th and buy it

After about 10 minutes, I met a couple of hardcore fans (about 17-18…yeah, they were HARD-CORE), and we did what we were supposed to…we battled and traded

Long story short, I partnered up with another lad my age against two of the HARD-CORE fans…and we did moderately well against them. I took down three Pokemon of theirs before I went down, and unfortunately, we lost with ONE Pokemon on theres…it was a shiny Rayquaza…look it up.

And as for the trade…that took about 5 minutes. We couldn’t really come to an agreement for trades, though in the end we did about two, which was alright with me :) They were (NOTE: non fans wont understand this)

My Metang for Zangoose, and-

My Slowbro for Shuckle

Unfortunately, about an hour passed since arriving, and I had to go…for some reason? (Which feels like a kick to the balls, but there you go), but fortunately, I at least got to go to


That cheered me up (it was a foot long sub, with meatballs, lettuce and barbeque sauce…awesome)

And after eating, we left

But It’s STILL NOT OVER! Now that I could get to a table, I could finally take pictures of the things I got

Heres the event Pokemon I got…an Arceus

Ironically, I downloaded two of them for my two games, and they were both quiet natured…which in this case, FAILS!

I also heard of a deal where if you bought a Pokemon-related product, you could win a special prize…an Arceus Figurine. Lets see

The product I bought was a figure of Latias, which is pretty cool

And heres the Arceus figurine

A good £2 well spent

Anyway…that’s pretty much all the event in its entirety. It was pretty good, and Im glad I got to go…even If I did have to leave early

Thanx for reading, and…the next one’s coming soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Good blog, thought I have a Wii I dont play games more for keep fit, but that might change when Silent hill comes one of the best games ever.
