Sunday 10 January 2010

From The View Of The Onlooker- Education

(Original Date Posted- 17th October 2009)

Sup FVTOTO fans, heres the second entry. But firstly, let me tie up some loose ends. If your wondering why both these entries are set 10 days apart (coincidently), thats because I really wont have any set dates for release of these entries. They basically come at random. And secondly, if you post comments for my blog entries, then I will try my best to respond to them, because I think it sets me apart from other Bloggers (Is that right). I may not be able to respond to every comment, so if I miss you, just repost your comment on my next entry, and Ill probably pick you.

To Abby Lever
- Im not dissing Twilight, Im just wondering why so many people cling to it like deranged maniacs. Im mean, theres fans, and then theres 'OCD' as you put it. But what am I saying, Im a deranged maniac for Scrubs. (Sigh), I guess I have much more to learn about Fandom. But either way, I have yet to get a proper opinion for Twilight, so just wait for a part 2, coming...whenever! And about that story in the Corridor...well... it was English in year 8 (I think), and I needed to write about something, and because Twilight was a up and coming fad, I decided, who cares, write about that. And next thing you know, it gets put up on the wall. Heh heh, I guess when Teachers look at me, they think Im a star pupil, and that anything I do is absurdly amazing. It's a good power to have...I guess

Now to the entry

I want to tackle three issues I have with the Governments approach to Education, the age limit, the removal of SAT's and the combinations of smaller schools.

Ill start with the Age limit. WTH is up with moving it up to 18. I mean its like people have thought 'Oh gee, College and University arn't enough, we need...uh...bigger age limits. Yeah, that'll be a great Idea to keep people in Education'


Moving up the age limit will not strictly keep people in education. Some people naturally have no respect for it, and will end up ruining there lives by being ignorant, and dropping out to work at some low end job. Just ignore them, and focus on the people that want the help. Im willing to bet you'll make far more progress that way.

Secondly the removal of SAT's. What will this mean on my generation. I did my Y6 SAT's, but I never did Y9 SAT's because they took them away beforehand, so does this mean I will have lower chances of getting a job, or will it be the other way around. Its basically been screwed pretty bad here. They should have just kept it the same before making these changes at random, because now, we may have unforseen circumstances happen in the future that mean a dent in the economy. I think

Lastly, the megaschools. Now the Teachers at Golborne High have really been asking my year and other years about this transition to make a new school between GH and LH (Lowton High), however, I feel that no ones been able to make a well thought over comment on it. But I guess I'll try. I think its a bad idea. Why, because in a school of around about 1500 people, I think that individuality will be lost, and thats pretty bad. Individuality is key in a good education, because that means someone at least personally cares, but with it being swept aside, well, you visualize it. Plus, for people in Golborne, it will be a really large trek to Lowton civic hall (As the new Megaschool will be built there). I guess for the amount of solutions made, an equal amount of problems are made. But either way, this new school (Or Lowborne, as you could call it) is probably best not being built.

Now that should wrap up things nicely. You know, I found writting this entry pretty boring (God, I've already became my own critic, what is the world coming to). I'll write about some more interesting for my next one, promise.

BTW, feel free to suggest something for me to talk about. Part of the problem with me writing entries is a lack of serious ideas, so I could really use some help.

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