Sunday 10 January 2010

From The View Of The Onlooker- The Console Wars

(Original Date Posted- 18th November 2009)

Bonjour my (presumably) not-at-all French fans, heres the Sixth instalment. But…well, you know the drill

Abby Lever- Yeah, just cos’ I consider myself the King Smurf now, doesn’t mean it’ll be my logo. In fact, I’ve tried to make a logo, but due to the failure that is the computer Im using, I just cant make a good one. However, once I get a Laptop at Christmas, then you’ll see some results.

I’ll definitely do some Film reviews in the future, but I think I need to reach a certain point before I do that

Louisa Hillman- Glad you agree, it is just a lie created by Disney or some College/university peoplez. However, Im not quite ready to withdraw my point yet on the film, I’ll need some full on evidence. Maybe I’ll watch it on the internet someday ( Technology is my *****)

Todd Webb- Hmm, Im not quite sure I want to be known as the Onlooker. Maybe I’ll develop a title in the future, but if not, just call me The Onlooker anyway

Like I’ve said, I’ll do some reviews in the future. I promise… or maybe I don’t. Maybe I’ll just close this blog and go on a mass-murdering spree.

Hah, now you don’t know where Im coming from

But now I don’t!?! Curse you Todd!

Anyway, now we’ve got that out of the way, lets get onto the main topic, a topic which is fair to say has been mauled by so many people over the years, that it makes my opinion virtually worthless

(Girls, you may just wanna skip to the end right now)

Anyway, for those of you still reading, you may be aware that the console wars have existed since approximately the early 80’s. Its taken many forms, like-

Wii vs Ps3 vs Xbox 360

Or something more obscure, like-

SNES vs Sega genesis vs (I guess you can say the Atari Jaguar)

You see what I mean, its pretty old. And it won’t end until one Video game company eventually claims domination of the market (My hopes ride with Nintendo).

But its also quite fun, why, because if you’ve seen the things fans (Or _____ nazis if you’re an extremist) have done over the years, and view it as a, say, Onlooker, its quite hilarious and stupid.

Take a Look at this video for me (Or don’t if you have issues with other women)

Now if you’re a Fanboy/Fangirl of a certain company, I want you to view it again, this time switching off your crazy obsession.

Now you know what angle Im getting at, its just…wow. Completely unreasonable. And the thing is, that this thing would cause a wildfire if you introduced it on some forums. Spam attacks would happen if action wasn’t taken, and really, it would just make fans have more enemies.

Now Im not saying its wrong to support a company, I in fact support that claim, but if your going to go totally alpha over it, and say stuff like-

‘Ugh, Ps3 sucks because blah blah **** blah’

Then you better get a life, and quick.

But a definite fact I want to bring up is that I’ve noticed that some of this animosity is lost if you get the console you hate and actually play it. You stop hating the console completely (well you still may dislike it), and you then start focusing on hating other consoles you don’t have. So maybe the wars have started as a result of people being too poor (Or stupid) to afford the other consoles of their time, and thus they use their anger as a reason to say it sucks.

If you have all three current next-gen consoles, I want you to reply to this and tell me if you still hate a certain one, because Im really quite interested as to your opinion.

Anyway, the likelihood is that I’ll make a sequel to this entry in the future in more depth, because I’ll finish off about here. As I have now implanted into your brains, tell me your criticism and opinion on this entry, Im open to both.

What, do still want me to brag on. No, you’ve had your amount for now. Get off the Internet, and go have some tasty pudding. Seriously peoplez, time heals some wounds, but pudding heals all, and then some.

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